About Me.

Gabriele Collalto
Art Director, Motion Graphics Artist, Media Designer


My name is Gabriele, I am an Italian motion graphics designer and art director. My work is motivated by a strong creative passion, focusing on the creation of innovative and versatile products, with strict attention to details.

I am a digital artist, and my job allows me to manage all steps of the project in an independent way, from the initial idea to the final result. If necessary, I am able to easily integrate into a team.

My portfolio lists my main jobs of motion graphics and 3D graphics, carried-out thanks to fruitful collaborations with several agencies between Cagliari, Milan and Wellington New Zealand.

I have worked with the motion design agency Monkey Talkie on various projects of motion graphics, broadcast design, TV channels branding and web publication.

Since 2011 I have been collaborating with the Istituto Europeo di Design, teaching Multimedia and Interactive Systems, educational material concerning digital video language and creative design.